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Yesterday�s Written Butterflies are originally titled, Ink of her Tears. 
This consists of collection of poems that wakes up the hearts of many 
people through carefully written words. This book aims to move 
the readers and dive into the ocean of life lessons, realizations, and 
Connecting the soul of the words from this book to Quill of Written 
Nery Joy Ochea aims to continue writing her feelings of love and 
deception about things around the world. 
She tries to write the unwritten voices of those who could not and 
let them gesture the tears of inspiration. 
Yesterday�s Written Butterflies were first written on the first day of 
January of the current year and Nery Joy continued to write it until 
the end of the month. This book is not just about the past challenge 
but rather the effort of making the words be powerful even in a 
voiceless manner.

Yesterday's Written Butterflies

  • Nery Joy Ochea
  • All items are non returnable and non refundable
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