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In a world where dreaming has ceased to exist, dreams have become
some of the most valuable commodities. They are rare, sought after,
and they fetch a price higher than diamond or gold.
Alec was born in the era of the pale generations, generations of
individuals with white streaks on their skin, blank eyes staring off in
the distance, and soul hollow from having lost the natural ability to
dream. He was one of the rare individuals in this era who still retained
the gift of dreaming, a gift he considered both a blessing and a curse.
When he joined The League of the Dream Hunters, an elite organization
formed to retrieve stolen dreams and return them to their owners, it
was for only two reasons�to look for his missing brother and to find
the dream that was stolen from their family so many years back, one
that cost the life of both of his parents.
In the league, he learned more about the pale generations and the
Makus. He discovered that there was so much more to the gift that he
had and so much more about the world he thought he knew. And as
he grew nearer towards finding his brother and the lost dream, he had
to face the guilt that had consumed him since his parents� death, the
immensity of the gift he had, and the responsibility that came with it

The League of the Dream Hunters

  • Naysan Albaytar
  • All items are non returnable and non refundable
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