�Aabhar Yoga� is a pathway of becoming more than just machinery, working in a cyclical motion. It�s a step by step guide to break free from the shackles of slavery of compulsions of life-long mental conditioning, and go beyond survival instinct to become the best version of One�s-Self. The book is a practical guide to achieve optimal health. It�s a complete system of knowing, understanding, exploring, and gaining control over one�s life, by controlling its instruments: body, senses, and mind. The book is the first of its kind, which thoroughly explains physical & mental benefits of �Asana�s�: and provides detailed instructions and demonstration of doing their final positions. It also discusses and demonstrates their easy & different versions, for practitioners who will find it difficult to attain final positions. The book also illustrates common mistakes which happen in an �Asana�, so practitioners will be able to rectify the mistakes by themselves. The book solves all the practical problems practitioners face while practicing �Yoga� on their own, as it doesn�t only provide demonstration of doing the practices, but also combines them to form an actual and powerful practice routine. The book consists of insightful & devotional Prayers meticulously designed to align one�s practice to the different elements of Nature, Self, & Life, to get completely absorbed in their energy, with detailed instructions of twenty �Namaskar� sequences in the continuation: from renowned twelve steps �Surya Namaskar� to fifty steps �Parmatma Namaskar� (never explained before), and thirty four afterward practice�s routine, beginner�s to advanced level, comprising �Asana�s�, �Mudra�s�, �Pranayama�s�, relaxation, and �Dhyana�. So, practitioners will neither find the practices repetitive, nor monotonous and dull, which will assure continuity and regularity, and a strong foundation for the higher practices of Meditation, which eventually leads to that which we all seek. That ultimate Union with our �Cosmic Nature�.
Aabhar Yoga
SKU: 9789354908361
₱510.00 Regular Price
₱499.80Sale Price
- Yogacharya Ankur Kanwar
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